ingame name: sF^ Victor Mofjell (I can change it sometimes for other servers, as iI don't want to blow some cover sometimes, sometimes i may come in with a different name into our servers just so cheaters/freekillers won't know there is secretly a admin in.
steam id: STEAM_0:1:10833914
applying for: server admin (preferabbly all servers, if not, at least the jail server) Any other posisitions would be nice to but not nessesecary unless you wish for me to be to be for exmaple a forum mod etc...
age: 18
reason: I've been admin before on your past few servers, i don't and don't want to abuse admin and I want cheaters and abusive players to be dealth with aproiately, I've seen people on the jail server freekilling, and at that moment i just wish i could warn them but not exposing i was the admin then they would get a nasty suprise for disgracing Special Forces.
It's truely up to you blue, but i don't want anyone spoiling the fun and being abusive, anyone who is going to do that may find themselves another server because they won't be fucking up our servers!